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Writer's pictureCindy-Ann Boisson


Updated: Dec 31, 2021

Take win 2021! Take WIN!

I mean seriously, this year reminded us exactly what it's like to turn 21 and then turned it up a notch. Talk about full-on adulting!

Twentay twenty won was like, okaaaay...I am at that legal drinking age and I gotta tell yuh, I'm drunk! Geez, what a year full of poor judgement, drowsiness, loss of balance (definitely), slowed breathing and messed up heart rate. Right? We all felt the effects of this years drunken behaviour. Didn't we?

We had to adapt. WE had to! Did we? Well, some of us tried. We tried to work together for the greater good of all mankind. The first thing we're told when dealing with a drunk person is to stay calm: Don't argue with an intoxicated person. However, some of us argued and refused to stay calm. People fought back. No masks. No vaccine. No social distancing. No nutten. And well, we paid the price.

Ok, look, you get it. Twentay twenty won was challenging. For ALL of us.

Arguably though, challenges help develop inner fortitude. It's really a choice of do or die or die while doing or do while dying. You get it!

For me, I was up to the challenge. This year I experienced the most growth professionally and personally. Admittedly, the work started a few years ago when I took myself on a journey of healing. It's that same journey that allowed me to appreciate Thanksgiving for the first time a few years ago (remember that story? No? Click This was a year of realization. I can and I must. That was my mantra. I can because I have faith and a unbreakable bond with God and I must because I was granted this gift and you know 'waste not, want not'. The people needed these jokes and honestly? I needed the people. I needed the laughter to fuel my soul. Thank YOU.

Thank YOU for granting me access to your heart. Thank YOU for granting me access to your homes. Thank YOU for trusting me. Thank YOU for believing in me. Thank YOU for every opportunity to work. Thank YOU for sharing your stories. For sharing your tears. For sharing your laughter. Thank YOU for breaking bread with me (gluten free, 16 grain, dairy free, sliced bread).

This year I managed to cross so many things off of my list. Yeah, I write shit down. I told ya I believe in manifestation. Were you not listening? I encourage you to do the same. Write it down! Believe it's possible. Don't let dem heauxs throw you off your game. Focus. Pray. Give. Be willing to receive. Breathe. Play fair.

To those of you who have suffered loss, I send you a soft gentle hug (shffft). To those of you getting ready to make a fresh start, don' t be afraid. To those of you still figuring shit out...take your time. You know what they say 'Rome wasn't built in a day, neither was Port of Spain and the London bridge, and most things for that matter' (what? I added my personal twist! Fight me🤣🤣🤣).

I want to take this opportunity to wish each of you and your loved ones the very best of ALL THINGS

Be sure to watch the video!

See you soon.

Love Cindy-Ann Boisson

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