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Writer's pictureCindy-Ann Boisson

Missing me, huh?

Well hello there! I know, I's been too long. I should not have taken this long to check in on your 2022. But, HERE I am...and I hope that all is well in your world.

How are YOU? Tell me! What's going on with those new year resolutions? Did you make any? Are you succeeding in keeping them?

Honestly, I don't particularly make resolutions, I prefer to say I set goals and I do so regularly. Though, admittedly there's something about the start of the new year that gives me new hope and renewed energy. Perhaps it's the bangs and crackles of the fireworks that jolts me into action? Whatever it is, I cannot deny it.

This year I decided my word is UNCOMFORTABLE. Yep, I am taking baby steps outside of my comfort zone (those of you following me on social media may have noticed) and even if I get the sense that I am waaaaay outside of my territory, I am not going to turn back like I've done in the past. Instead, I WILL pause. I will pause and breathe; take a few minutes to catch my breath, center my thoughts, light (burn) some sage to rid the bad vibes and start moving forward again. Maybe in a different direction, maybe the same direction but with a different outlook and purpose BUT one thing for certain, I will not be standing still or going back. Somebody say YEAH YEAH!!!

I plan on sharing more. Maybe not more but differently? You see, although I love all things comedy...and I do find a reason to laugh at all things, there's a pensive side of me. Ahhh...better described as dramedy? You can expect some of that! You can also look out for my podcast! YEAH! Podcast! Yuh girl figuring out stuff bit and bit.

Anyways, here are a few ways you can continue to support me and keep me accountable:

Or you can just keep doing what you've been doing all along! I thank you always.

One last thing....MAUVAIS LANGUE will be back this year!!! Somebody say YEAH YEAH (again)!

See you soon and hope to hear back from you sooner 😘



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